Listing Application

If you’re already a stallholder at the markets, and you attend at least 6 times per year, you can apply to have your business/stall listed as a Stallholder Listing on our website.

Stallholder Listings provide businesses with an individual stallholder page on our website. The following items can be displayed on this page:

* Stall/Business Name

* Stall/Business Contact Details – i.e. phone, email

* Links to your website/stallholder social media sites (when appropriate)

* Product Information

* A minimum of 3 landscape images (maximum of 5 landscape images). You may supply your own landscape images for consideration in your application. If they're not suitable for use (e.g. incorrect dimensions, low/poor resolution, not relevant to the products you're selling at the markets, not in keeping with our current photography style), we will arrange for images to be taken by the OBDM team. We will contact you with details regarding the next scheduled photo shoot once your application has been received.

Additional benefits include:

* Links to your business from our Social Media platforms e.g. Old Bus Depot Markets Facebook Business Page (where appropriate)

* Possible inclusion of your story and product in our monthly e-newsletter when relevant information and opportunity is available

This is not a stallholder application form and no new applications will be assessed using this form. Please phone us to make an appointment if you wish to make a new stall application (02) 6295 3331 from Tuesday – Thursday, or you can apply online.

  • Business/Stall Information

    This information is what will be included in your Stallholder Listing on our website.
  • This will be displayed on the Website
  • If you are unsure of the category, please call our office.
  • 0 of 500 max characters
  • A deep dive into you, your products and stall. A "meet the maker" written piece.
  • This will be displayed on the Website
  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, png, gif, jpeg, Max. file size: 45 MB, Max. files: 5.
      You are able to supply a minimum of 3 landscape images (maximum of 5 landscape images) for consideration in this application. Minimum size is 600px x 400px. If they’re not suitable for use (e.g. incorrect dimensions, low/poor resolution, not relevant to the products you’re selling at the markets, not in keeping with our current photography style), we will arrange for images to be taken by the OBDM team.
    • General Information

      This will not be listed on the website and is for our records only.
    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.