We work in collaboration with Edii and their Maker2Market program to introduce students (under 18) to an experience at Old Bus Depot Markets.
We encourage you in the first instance to check out the Maker2Market Business Taster Experience which is a 3-day deep dive into creating a micro-business, your own products, logo and also understanding key business concepts such as defining your ideal customer, pricing and executing to a full market day experience at Old Bus Depot Markets. From there you will join Edii’s Pathways program and be able to come back to market days at Old Bus Depot Markets for 12 months.
Once ready to take the next step, Edii will work with you on your application to us to become a regular student stallholder at Old Bus Depot Markets which will have a minimum commitment of 14 market days p/annum at our special student rate.
We look forward to welcoming you to Old Bus Depot markets soon. for more about the Student Pathways program, please visit: www.edii.com.au