Work commences on $6.5m Former Transport Depot upgrade

We are very excited that works to the Former Transport Depot will “start” later this month, as most of you know the Former Transport Depot is a wonderful space for people to enjoy the markets, however it is ageing and there have been some maintenance issues arise lately, including damage by the hail-storm earlier this year. 

We are encouraged by the government’s commitment to improve the facility and make it more functional for our stall holders and visitors, without losing that Transport depot feel.

With the scale and time frame of the works to be undertaken, some adjustments maybe needed to some aspects of the Old Bus Depot Markets operation, although ArtsACT and Monarch Building Solutions (who are undertaking the works) have guaranteed the trading of the markets (Sunday 10am to 4pm & selected Saturday trading) will not be impacted by the project.  

 We have placed below the media release from Gordon Ramsay MLA for your perusal.

We are looking forward to the markets reopening when health restrictions ease and social gathering numbers increase to a sustainable size.

Media Release from 

Gordon Ramsay MLA

Minister for the Arts, Creative Industries and Cultural Events
Minister for Building Quality Improvement
Minister for Business and Regulatory Services
Minister for Seniors and Veterans
Member for Ginninderra

The ACT Government is investing $6.5 million to complete major infrastructure upgrades at the Former Transport Depot (FTD) in Kingston.

Work on the site is scheduled to commence this month and will improve the safety, accessibility and sustainability of the facility.

Minister for the Arts, Creative Industries and Cultural Events Gordon Ramsay said the project comes at an important time for the city.

“As we move into the recovery phase of our COVID-19 response the ACT Government remains committed to creating job opportunities and delivering better facilities for our community,” Minister Ramsay said.

“Keeping Canberrans employed will play an important role in our city’s recovery. Through projects like this we can help ease the financial pressure on Canberra families during this difficult time.”

The well-known Old Bus Depot Markets is one event that utilises the FTD and is a key place for many local small businesses to sell their products and create a key source of income.

Minister Ramsay said the project would provide benefits for local businesses and visitors.

“Undertaking this work will benefit both the store holders and visitors by improving the functionality of the building and creating a more pleasant experience,” Minister Ramsay said. “The work will also ensure that the ACT Heritage Registered building can continue to be used long into the future.

The work to be completed at the FTD site will include:

  • replacement of the roof and skylights over the entire complex ensuring the maintenance and longevity of this ACT Heritage Registered property.
  • replacement of the electrical system, including a new main switch board.
  • installation of energy efficient light fittings and water saving fixtures improving the sustainability of the building, and
  • refurbishment of both the upper and lower hall toilets amenities, including providing accessible facilities.

Work is scheduled to commence on site on 12 June 2020 and continue through to the first half of 2021.