NEW: Sqeeezy Cane juice for a sweet, sweet summer

New Old Bus Depot Markets stallholder. sqeeuzyFor all you sweet tooths out there we have the best summer thirst quencher ever. New to the markets is Sqeeezy Cane Juice. It’s pressed sugar cane juice and it’s super yum!

Brothers Simon and Thomas together with Simon’s son, Phuong, travel from New South Wales each week to the markets to make and serve their delicious Sqeeezy Cane Juice. So, what exactly is it and how is it made? A special sugar cane press containing four cylinders presses the sugar cane and releases 99{919d826c0730d492d9b75cddbb51fd01fa3e5d45dc1125b67f720901bbac5117} of the water within the cane. Not only is the cane juice tasty, it is thought to have several health benefits as it is loaded with carbohydrates, proteins, minerals like calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, potassium and vitamins A, B-Complex and C. To add to its lovely taste, the guys squeeze in some lime juice and add ice to serve. Did we mention it’s yummy?!

Try Sqeeezy Cane Juice next Sunday.