NEW – reusable products from Yangoora Close

Want to win the war on plastics? Canberran Loren Howell does. Which is why she has created a great new range of reusable and biodegradable products called Yangoora Close. With a background in environmental management and zoology, Loren was concerned, like many, about the effects of plastics on the environment – and in particular small plastics like food wraps, straws, coffee cups and plastic bags which are often used just once and then discarded to landfill. With this in mind, Loren has created reusable food wrap handcrafted using beeswax and other natural products which can be washed and reused for months. Loren uses locally sourced beeswax from Win’s Creek Meadery, along with cold-pressed oils sourced in the region in her food wraps. Other Yangoora Close products Loren has designed and manufactured include alternatives to plastic drinking straws made from glass and stainless steel, reusable produce and shopping bags, and a biodegradable bathroom range including bamboo toothbrushes and bamboo cotton tips. She says it’s all about finding ways to live with alternatives and has lived plastic-free for the past year. She loves chatting to people and educating visitors to the market on the alternatives available and how you can use them.

Come along and meet Loren and hear all about these sustainable products at Green Savvy Sunday this Sunday 10 September.

You can also find Yangoora Close at Designer Sundays on the third Sunday of the month and casually throughout the year.

Yangoora Close at the Old Bus Depot Markets

Yangoora Close at the Old Bus Depot Markets