Canberra Wool Expo 2025 Bookings for Approved Stallholders
Please fill in this form to book in for the Canberra Wool Expo on the 17th & 18th May, 2025. You are expected to participate on both Saturday and Sunday trading. Since the Canberra Wool Expo is a two-day event, calculations for add-ons such as trestle tables are counted for two days.
This form is only for stallholders that have been approved for the Old Bus Depot Markets. Please do not book in if you have yet to be approved. *Please organise your booking as soon as you can. This online booking option will be taken down as soon as spaces are filled or by 11th May, Sunday 12pm. **Please note that requests to have more than one stall, and requests to have a corner are currently taken as an expression of interest. As such, they are not calculated in the total amount. In the event you are approved for these add-ons, we will be in touch to fulfill the difference of the fee. ***If you encounter any issues in submitting this form, please feel free to reach us on or 02 6295-3331, from 9am-5pm Tuesdays-Thursdays.